Gone with the wind
Characters List    map    Margaret Mitchell(1900-1949)
Section 1
1 Call on of twins 1861.4.14
and the tightly fitting basque showed breasts well matured for her sixteen years.
2 The news of engagement  
3 The origin of Gerald  
4 At supper and prayer  
5 Ready to a barbecue  
6 At Barbecue 1861.4.15
7 A wife,a widow,a mother 1861.4.30,wedding with Charls,
who left 1 week later,then died 7 weeks later.
Wade born in Feb.1862.
Section 2
8 Arrival of Atlanta 1862.5
9 The Bazaar  
10 Disgrace both his daughter and her pa  
11 Ashley'sLetters  
12 Who's Rett Butler  
13 Different Presents two sides of Rett
14 The First Casualty List 1863
15 On Furlough  
16 Captured 1864
Section 3
17 Retreats May of 1864
18 Under Siege  
19 Chaperoning of Pregant Melanie The siege went on through the hot days of July,
20 Unable with sick family together AS THE HOT noisy days of August were drawing to a close
21 Ready To deliver Melanie's baby  
22 Childbirth  
23 Escorted,then not  
24 Getting home for 1 days,1864.8
25 Struggle for food for 15 days
26 Help themslef Winter was coming -Nov.1864
27 Yankees coming mid-November 1864
28 The commissary  
29 First hard days after surrender following April 1865
30 Soldier hard way homing summer after peace - June 1865
Section 4
31 More higher taxes January afternoon in 1866
32 Ready to Atlanta lending  
33 Second arrival of Atlanta  
34 Calling on Rett in jail  
35 Enticeing second  
36 Remarriage,a sawmill  
37 Change,difference April 1866
38 Pregnancy,money is all  
39 Her Pa left forever June 1866
40 At funeral  
41 Melanie returning Atlanta  
42 daughter-birth,a wagoner,convicts  
43 Rett as a wagoner December
44 Way to mill March 1867
45 Ku Klux Klan  
46 Belle's sporting house  
47 Marrying thirdly  
Section 5
48 Honeymoon in New Orleans  
49 Calling on her new house  
50 The 3rd child Wade,7 years old; 1869
51 Triangle,love or not  
52 All for his daughter  
53 Ashley’s birthday  
54 Love and hate  
55 For or against  
56 Miscarriage  
67 Mill selling to Ashley  
58 The turn of the events(politics) 1871.12
59 Youngest daughter leave 1873
60 Sadness  
61 Melanie leave  
62 True haven seeking in dream  
63 Tomorrow is another day 1873
1 The American Civil War (1861.4.12–1865.4.9)
2 the reconstruction era that lasted to 1877.
3 《飘》的写作近10年,小说大部分章节的初稿早在1929年就完成,1936.3完稿;
4 Gone With the Wind was published on June 30, 1936.
5 由大卫·塞尔兹尼克执导,克拉克·盖博和费雯·丽主演的电影《飘》于1939年问世。
6 玛格丽特·米切尔生前坚决拒绝使故事有个结尾。美国女作家亚历山德拉·芮普利经过3年的辛勤笔耕,于1991年9月25日在40个国家同时出版发行她创作的《飘》的续集——《郝思嘉》。
7 芮普利先是仔细通读原著,尽力感受原作者的创作思想,还动手抄了其中的300页。她认为这是认真领悟作者风格的最好办法。芮普利治学严谨、尊重历史,为了保持作品的时代特点和风貌,她翻阅了大量历史文献,并且实地考察了故事发生的地点。此后,她就像一位隐士那样,不为任何压力所动,默默无闻地苦干了3个年头。1991年2月,她终于将1000页的续集—《郝思嘉》的原稿放在了出版商的办公桌上。